Output File Options

Four levels of comment detail are available for CUP, KML, and STX output files:

  • Short detail is specifically intended for use with generic Garmin GPS units and other memory-limited devices. It includes just a single communication frequency and information about the longest runway (dimensions, and surface types).
  • Mediuim detail includes all communication frequencies and information on all runways, encoded in a less abbreviated format.
  • Med+Fuel is medium comment detail plus abbreviated fuel availability.
  • Long detail adds information adds information about runway markings and conditions, obstructions, and so forth, as well as fuel availabiliy. Owner or manager contact information is included for private airports.
  • Full detail includes just about everything the FAA knows about the airport, including all of the above plus and miscellaneous notes on things like parking;
  • In the "Automatic" mode, comment detail will be set to a a value appropriate to the companion file format .

In each of these, runway information is encoded as described here.

NDB files always use a fixed format for comments. DAT files use a short fixed format when the comment detail is set to "Automatic". Otherwise, the comments are similar to those for CUP files.

The length of the short (code) name used in the output files be configured as follows:

  • In the "Automatic" mode, the length will be set to the optimum value for the companion output file ;
  • In the "ID" mode, the ICAO/FAA ID or turnpoint number will be used as the CUP code and/or companion file short name.;
  • Otherwise, the code or short name length may be manually set from 5 to 16 characters; this can be especially useful with generic Garmin GPS units, different models of which support different turnpoint name lengths.

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